Why a pencil is so important to a web designer?
When I start to design a website the first thing that I do is get my pencil and paper. This is my starting point and I can jot down all my ideas and concepts. It would seem like an odd choice for someone who works in the digital format. But it is the black carbon where all my websites start.
I worked in the medical device industry for over 10 years, which is a regulated environment. I couldn’t use a pencil at work. In fact pencils were not allowed on site. So I always used pens, black pens to be precise. So when I made career change to web design I started to use a pencil again and it was like meeting an old friend.
I have not used a pencil in over twenty. In fact I have a pretty good memory of when I did. It was a Technical drawing exam in College in 1992. I like how it feels and how I write with it. If I make a mistake or want to change something it is easy to change. They are also cheap and I notice that hotels are using them more these days. So there is always a good supply about.
So what has this got to do with web design you ask? It is a great way to sketch out logos, work on layouts and get the initial ideas from my head onto a piece a paper. It is the starting point for any project. Even this article started out on a piece of paper.
Web design has evolved and there is a lot that designers can do now that wasn’t possible a few years ago. So when you are getting your website designed start putting your ideas on a piece of paper. So if you have an idea it is a great way to show it to a web designer.
Also check out if your web designer has a notepad and paper, it’s a good sign.