I would like to wish you all a very Happy New Year and I hope that you had a great 2019. I am looking forward to 2020 and all the new challenges it will bring. The new year is always a good time to start a new project. This year I am committing to keep my blog updated. The focus will be on the things that I have learned over the last couple of years. It will also be an opportunity to discuss new challenges we all face in the digital age.
The area that is going to become more relevant in our lives is the increased use of assistance. The are the the new devices in our homes and businesses that we talk to i.e. Alexa and Google Home. This is going to change how we optimise websites. As people will no longer be putting in keywords to Search Engine but talking to devices that will do the searches. The challenge will be to get the right phrasing into the website.
Other areas that I will be covering are site speed, website maintenance, SEO, advertising, content, social media and technology. It is important to understand the technology and its capability so that you can get the most out of it. An example of this was a tool I found in Google. I was looking for the best way to organise my lists and tasks. Having tried many different products such as evernote. These apps are designed for this purpose but for some reason it never worked for me.
So I turned to Google. I use Google suite and found a tool in here. The app was Google Keep. This is a simple app that is used for making lists and creating notes. It can be used with voice control, take pictures and create lists. It has a reminder function and lists can be shared with others who use Google. The thing I liked about it was that it worked and I continue to use it. When I told other Google suite users about it, they liked and used it. Try it out and let me know what you think.
Over 2020 we will discuss the challenges we face as business owners in the digital age. What we can do to make it easier and get a greater understanding of the environment.
Have a great year and I hope that you will enjoy the articles.