5 basic elements for effective websites
If you already have a website for your business or you are looking for a new website then these are a few tips to help you work with your web designer. These are basics but I am still amazed at the amount of websites that lack these very basics of web design.
1. Content
In web design the content is the most important aspect of the website. A website can look amazing but if the content is not written well and to the point then you will lose traffic. When people visit your website they want the information as quickly as possible. You literally have seconds to keep visitors on your site so the information must be clear and concise. Your homepage must have a good introduction explaining exactly what you do and then clear links to other pages. Try using content that describes your customers common problems and how your product or service can help remedy this. The content must also contain your keywords so that the search engines can find your website. There are plenty of keyword planners to help find ideas.
2. Images
Images are important to your websites. Remember “a picture can tell a thousand words”. Try to use your own images as much as possible as this will give a personal feel to your website. A picture of the owner or staff at work is far better than some stock image of a model who doesn’t work there. Hire a photographer for a half day to get some professional images done. This will not break the bank and will make your website stand out. If you have a tight budget then try using images taken with a smart phone. By using a little imagination you can be very effective in the way you use these images.
3. Title Tags
This is really up to any good web designer to have relevant title tags. I have changed titles on web pages and it has instantly improved SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) rankings. Make sure that they are the correct length, 70 characters, and with keywords. Don’t put your business name directly at the front. Only well known brands will get any advantage from this. Use well selected keywords based on what you do and your location. So if you are based in Cork and serve that area then use the location with the keyword so that people using location based searches will find you.
4. Social Media
This is a minefield and the first thing people do is open a facebook account and add the link to the website. Social media needs a strategy and a plan. Think about your customers and what social media they might use. A Linkedin profile could be far more relevant especially if you are targeting professionals.
5. Analytics
Every website should be using analytics. If you are not using analytics then you have no idea how effective your website is. By analysing your website regularly you will be able to see the traffic to your site; you will see the affect of any changes you make to your website. These can be positive and negative but by having the information you can at least act on it. If you don’t understand your analytics ask your web designer for help.
Websites that use these basic methods and tools will be far more effective at driving traffic to them. By having a solid foundation you can build a really great website that will be a benefit to your buisness. An effective website will help your business and increase sales. Ask your web designer for help or hire an SEO expert for recommendations. Contact me for more information.
Author: Paul Murray